Shai Hulud "That Within Blood III-Tempered" 12" Vinyl


Shai Hulud's highly anticipated "That Within Blood Ill-Tempered" is a testament of heart, passion and sincerity. As the hardcore and metal scenes struggle to breathe in the smog of the overwhelming degree of trend and superficiality of late, Shai Hulud presents a refreshingly true and pretense-less album. It clearly illustrates the allure, the splendor and the effectiveness metal-influenced hardcore can offer. Musically, Shai Hulud has maintained the sound they initially re-invented - an angered and melodic, multi-layered blend of beauty and aggression - and continued to expand its boundaries within "That Within Blood Ill-Tempered." Shai Hulud is as always uncompromising, musically, lyrically and ideally - not having succumbed to current trends.


  1. Scornful Of The Motives And Virtues Of Others
  2. Let Us At Last Praise The Colonizers Of Dreams
  3. The Consummate Dragon
  4. Willing Oneself To Forget What Cannot Otherwise Be Forgiven
  5. Two And Twenty Misfortunes
  6. Being Exemplary
  7. Given Flight By Demon's Wings
  8. Whether To Cry Or Destroy
  9. This Song: For The True And Passionate Lovers Of Music
  10. Ending The Perpetual Tragedy